Profit The Cappo

ABM: How did the stage name come about?

ProfitTheCappo: My stage name came in high school. A mentor asked what I want in life I said to Profit the Most. Right then I took that as my name. Then I was dubbed Capo by Mond Mullah and Dom P, so I became Profit the Cappo. The second P is for the 16th letter, and to stand out from the crowd. Profit the Most is my name but Profit The Cappo is my title.

ABM: What inspired you to pursue being a music artist as a career?

ProfitTheCappo: My inspiration came when I realized that music is like magic. The smartest math professor couldn’t make a great song even if he applied all his knowledge. Music comes from the soul. When you find it you can use it to tell stories, paint pictures, heal people, spread information and so much more. I have a lot to say and a lot I’ve been through. Music has been with me my whole life. I just want to get better and better. I learn and appreciate the game from those before me.

ABM: What do you typically rap about?

ProfitTheCappo: I only rap about what I have done and what I have been through. I don’t do the fake rapping and lying about shit I ain’t got. Don’t matter how nice it sound on the mic. My life and day to day stories is what I breathe on the track.

ABM: What are you currently working on?

ProfitTheCappo: Currently working on TrapAge mixtape with me cousin West side MOE. That’s dropping next year. We have champagne Season out now on and The Straight Outta Wakanda mixtape coming next year with me and my brothers. A lot of content coming very soon.

ABM: Whats your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it!

ProfitTheCappo: My last release was a song called “Price down”. That one is also on our website . I dropped it earlier this summer. It’s about how I use to rock with some one but then they dipped on me or didn’t believe the dream and now they wanna come back because I’m up, but now their price is down. Meaning like stock I rose and got better over time and they dropped in value. And overall things will never be the same and I have to accept that no matter how I feel about it. It’s a deep song. Anybody in the game can relate one way or the other. Listen to it. And let me know people- yes I’m talking to y’all that’s reading this. Haha

ABM: Any upcoming ventures you wanna let the fans know about?

ProfitTheCappo: Upcoming ventures include a 2019 tour and some events also. People can expect to have a good time whenever I show up. Also We have a Large recording studio in Las Vegas called @wiseupstudios look it up on IG and let us know whenever you in town. It’s a 10 room luxurious laboratory. I happened to be The President and part owner so don’t be afraid to hit me up. We already had people like Pooh Hefner, J Diggs, San Quinn, Livewire, Rappin 4-Tay, and a bunch of other people come all the time. Just to mention a few Bay natives.

ABM: Any last words or shout outs?

ProfitTheCappo: Shout out the the whole camp WiseMafia. Good look on All Bay for getting this interview on lock. Shout out my family and Domp and Mond Mullah for putting me in the game. Wise up.

ABM: How can people reach you?

ProfitTheCappo: People can find me by typing Profit The Cappo on google or Wizeuptv on YouTube for videos. We are also on Spotify and Apple Music. My Instagram is @profitthecappo follow me and Never forget knowledge is power so Wise up.

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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