
ABM: What is your Hip Hop name? Tell us the story behind your hip-hop name?  

Franco: My name is Franco. My artist name used to be Califranco. The name came from me being from San Francisco, and me living all over the states due to my parents being in the military. I was going by Califranco, but the crowd would just call me Franco… so I ran with it!

ABM: What happened in your life that led to the decision of you becoming a musician?

Franco: My dad use to record at jt bigga figga studio on 3rd in HP. My cousin is the Husalah. My moms played the violin and sings, and I also play the violin. 

ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there?

Franco: I’m originally from San Francisco, Hunters Point. I lived in New Jersey, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Atlanta. Growing up in different hoods was actually cool. The different cultures I got to see and learn from was cool. But at the end of the day everywhere I lived they always showed me love.

ABM: How long ago did you start rapping, and what are some of the changes you have went through as a artist coming up?

Franco: I’ve been rapping since 9th grade well introduced to the studio. I didn’t start taking it serious until a year ago to be honest. I always had a ear for it, but there was always something in my journey to pursue, always my adventure to venture out. Me living everywhere had my sound all over the place.

ABM: What are your last full length releases people can go check out right now?

Franco: On iTunes I got a song called “Propane”. 

ABM: What are you currently working on? 

Franco: I’m working on a EP dropping soon titled “The Proper Topic”.

ABM: What’s your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it.

Franco: My latest release is on YouTube it’s called “Gas”.

ABM: Where have you toured at in your career?

Franco: I’ve been to Atlanta ,LA ,Miami ,Detroit, New York and Mexico. I try to do a show everywhere.

ABM: Where can people find you?

Franco: @sfcalifranco on IG. My Soundcloud search: Sfcalifranco. I’m also on iTunes, Tidal, and Spotify just search: Franco (Propane)

ABM: Last words?

Franco: I just want to thank everyone for the support. I would drop names so I just want to say I love y’all and let get it . The marathon continues.

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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