Dino Rich

ABM: What is your Hip Hop name? Tell us the story behind it.

Dino Rich: My hip hop alias is Dino Rich, Dino because it carries my inner childhood dream of being an archeologist, I loved dino’s growing up so much it stuck. Rich because my first name is Richard, and growing up I was always called Rich which I really liked. I like the story behind my name because it shows how I’m into unifying dreams, ideas, and experiences no matter how different. Its a true representation of who I am and what I stand for.

ABM: Has anything happened in your life that led to the decision of becoming a musician?

Dino Rich: Definitely,  First of alI I fell in love with music super early on in life thanks to my immediate family who listened to all kinds of classic records of all genres. I knew it was something I was going to do because I always liked freestyling for fun, and my friends said I was really good. I decided I was going to be a musician when I was old enough to realize that if you worked on your craft hard enough, it could be your career. I started researching how my greatest inspirations worked on their craft and decided I was going to be among them. Like them, I decided to be the next best instrument for change promoting peace, love, and unity within oppressed communities.

ABM: How did you get yourself started in the hip hop scene?

Dino Rich: To be honest, I started around the time when I was always freestyling all day nonstop. I decided to get myself a headset with a built in microphone and got to recording my freestyles because I no longer wanted the lyrics to go to waste. After a lot of trial and error, I figured some records out (which are still out there) and wrote many down. My next biggest move was recording with my brother from another Masta Chooma in his bedroom where my first mixtape records were created. In the simplest terms, I put myself on thats how I got started.

ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there?

Dino Rich: I’m from the Bay Area. 650. Man, growing up was amazing because a little bit of everything was always just a 20 minute drive away. Sure it had its racist profiling cops in the suburbs, and its gang task forces and gangs in the hoods but it was still lovely. Growing up in the East Palo Alto and Redwood City parts, I saw my people live through poverty and constantly struggle with the system meant to oppress them. It killed me inside and got me mad every time I saw this, so I decided I was going to help them no matter what.

ABM: What do you typically make music about?

Dino Rich: My music is about provoking thought and helping you get through life’s good and bad moments. Its more like the music from back in the day because I really think about how to give my concept the best vibe, full of passion, and emotion. My music’s content is all about being happy through all of life’s twists and turns. Its all about remaining peaceful and focused on passions, goals, and dreams. Lastly, its about spreading positivity, love, and ideas promoting unity because we really need that right now in order to make the changes we all want, need, and deserve.

ABM: What are you currently working on?

Dino Rich: Everyday I work on new records, I have single records in the works with amazing producers from all over the world (released daily), I am lining up video shoots for new music videos for records ‘Nothing Like The Rest’ (prod. by CLOZ) & ‘For The West Coast’, I have an album in the finalizing stage that I can’t wait to release, and I have many shows in booking stages. All this and more will definitely be announced so just make sure to Like my Dino Rich Facebook page & follow @dinoheknow on Snapchat/Instagram for all the newest updates and information.

ABM: What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career?

Dino Rich: My ultimate goal is to achieve more than I ever thought I could, in terms of changing the world for the better and helping my people realize the potential they have when they love one another as unified people. My ultimate goal is to be in a position where I have enough economic stability to fund a platform that can help anyone and everyone who needs and wants a better life. My ultimate goal is to do what all my inspirations (Martin Luther King, César Chávez, Tupac) did and some. My ultimate goal is for my music to spread the message of peace, love, unity, and keep waking people up even after I pass for the generations after us.

ABM: What is your ultimate fear?

Dino Rich: My ultimate fear is that I will be stopped in my tracks due to pursuing dreams that conflict with ideologies of the dominant members in society. My ultimate fear is that my people will remain unfocused about what is being done to them. My ultimate fear is that all my work will be worth nothing until I am gone because it was under appreciated while I was living. Ultimately, I know fear is made by myself so I do my best to face myself in all ways good and bad everyday so that I can be better/stronger tomorrow.

ABM: How can people reach you?

Dino Rich: Follow @Dinoheknow on Snapchat/Instagram, @Dinorichoner on Twitter, Email Dinor650@gmail.com for booking or features. I am not too hard or too famous to respond on social media, so if you ever wanna reach out, just do it.

ABM: Tell us something about you we don’t know.

Dino Rich: Something that says a lot about a person is their favorite number and color so I’ll tell you that.  My favorite color has been green since a kid because I like nature, the green dinosaur from rugrats (Reptar), and the goosebumps green logo. Basically because green makes me think of life, its beauty, and growing up. If there’s no green I feel out of element. Lastly, my favorite number is 2 because I like even numbers more than odd ones, and the number has always came in and out of my life so it means a lot to me. Much love to All Bay Music Magazine, The Bay Area, and the rest of the world!

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of TheRapManager.com

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