Avid Roots

How did your group come up with your stage name Avid Roots? 
Avid Roots Entertainment started out as a collection of passionate individuals who love to create, from artists, producers, photographers, designers, just everyday people who love to create and share. Eventually we formed an independent record label.

Originally, we had a different name starting out, but we wanted a name that really expressed who we are. We were exploring various names that would portray our passion and growth together, while intertwining our roots. We came up with the name Avid Roots Entertainment.

Avid Roots is about eagerly pressing forward with passion and dedication, while building upon and never forgetting the values that propelled you to where you are today. It’s kind of like a lifestyle, and if you happen to be doing the same thing we consider you Avid Roots too.

The founders consist of Joe Nance, Justin Tada, and Kendrick Uemura.

Where are you guys from? How many members are in your group?
Joe Nance is from Seaside, Justin and Kendrick grew up in Sunnyvale, but we all met in the Bay Area around Silicon Valley. Including Anthony Braxton, currently in L.A. and A.P. Saich, currently in New York.

How did you guys meet?
A few years back Joe and Kendrick were at a house party and Joe was rapping with some friends. Kendrick mentioned that he did production and they exchanged numbers. What was interesting was they didn’t talk for like 3-6 months after they met. And then one day Kendrick hit up Joe and said he had some beats he wanted him to check out, and that’s when he was introduced to Justin. And then one song led to another, which turned into a mixtape, then eventually Avid Roots.

What made you all get into the studio for the first time?
It was just a feeling, an overwhelming sensation to create.

What’s the name of your first released project?
Our first project was back in 2010 called “Life is a Dream”. Looking back, I still smile at what we were able to put together.


Anything exciting you wanna tell us about it?
During the time we were promoting “Life is a Dream” we entered a Hip Hop contest at what was once the Avalon in Sunnyvale, same place we opened up for KRS-ONE and Souls of Mischief, and we ended up winning a cash prize and music video production assistance. We then went on to create a short film to accompany the project.


What’s your group’s latest release? Who produced it? Do you have a video?
Our latest project is Closed Caption Vol.1: Motivation, produced by our Avid Roots team, Makahi Beats and Glory Music. We have some ideas in mind for a video, but at the moment we are just looking to share the music, we might do something similar to what we did with the videos for Life is a Dream, well see.

Anything big people can expect from you in 2017?
We are excited to share the rest of the Closed Caption Series. Up next we have Closed Caption Vol.2 Inspiration, which has a more relaxed vibe compared to Vol.1: Motivation, but we hope the listens will appreciate the artistic flexibility.

Last October we were announced winners of the Stagelight Monthly Music Contest and we are finalists to go in the studio with LINKIN PARK. 


The videos talking about the entry for this process are available via the links below:

Other than continuing to improve on our craft and stay positive, we just want to have fun with it all. We really love what we do.


Where can people find you?
You can find more information and music about Avid Roots at https://www.avidroots.com

 Any shout outs?
Shout out to De’la, awesome music producer and engineer!


Shout out Tracy Cruz, 6x award-winning Soul singer!

Shout out to Jonah Melvin at Left University!


Shout out to No Water After Midnight, incredible live band!

Special shout out to Raymond “Raymazing” Eugeno, Andrew Simoni, Street Symphony and Tone Frequency!

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of TheRapManager.com

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