It is a good year to be over 21.
Minors will now have to anticipate their 21st birthday to both consume alcohol and purchase tobacco products legally.
Gov. Jerry Brown
California’s Governor, Jerry Brown, has approved a bill that will raise the legal tobacco-use age to 21. This includes buying tobacco for use of smoking, dipping, chewing, and of course, vaping. He hopes that this will decrease the risk of lung cancer and the other diseases that come with tobacco use. According to the Institute of Medicine, 90% of daily tobacco users began their addiction before the age of 19. Senator Ed Hernandez, D-Azusa, author of the bill to raise the legal age, said if California makes the move, other states will follow.
Now, we’re all thinking the same thing, couldn’t these kids just sneak around the bill? Totally. Sneak around as you will, kids, but if anyone is caught giving someone under age 21 any tobacco product, they will be found guilty of a misdemeanor crime.
As a regular vaper who’s over 21, I have no issue with this bill being passed. However, this bill is making tobacco use become more enticing because it’s banned to people under 21. We all know how much fun risking being caught by the police is. Similar to how smoking weed is illegal in California without a card, which makes it all the more desirable.