A 30 Year Anniversary & A Play

Racism is still a horrific reality. Asian Americans, African Americans and countless others are still being attacked to this day due to discrimination. Police brutality amongst our nation is getting worse. Racist slurs are still being said. Hate crimes are still being committed.

30 years ago today, Michael Nitz and Ronald Ebens beat Vincent Chin to death the night before his wedding. They got away by paying the small sum of $3,780 and 3 years of probation.

Chin was out with his friends at a strip club, enjoying himself, getting a few drinks in him, it was his bachelor party. He was just enjoying himself until these two white men looked at him and said “It’s because of you little motherf***ers, that we’re out of work.” They proceeded to fight, get kicked out of the club, and beat Chin into a coma with a bat. Chin lost his life four days later. His wedding date became his funeral date.


Trayvon Martin (L), Vincent Chin (R)

Trayvon Martin, died at the age of 17 by the hands of George Zimmerman, a little over four years ago. Martin was shot while walking back from a convenience store. Zimmerman profiled the African American teen, thinking he was “suspicious” and “dangerous.” Shots were heard in the neighborhood by no other than Zimmerman. He claimed to have shot young Martin out of self-defense. It was a hate crime and he got away with it.

His story has inspired playwright Thomas Soto and artistic director Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj. They were focused on using their energy from the pain and make sense of the senseless with their play. Opening night is this Thursday, May 12, 2016 at New Freedom Theatre.


It’s up to us to teach our children, to lead them away from the mistruths and hate. We need to stand up for our fellow humans and right the wrongs that we’ve let happen.

R.I.P. to all of our victims who’ve never gotten the chance to live the lives they deserved.


Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of TheRapManager.com

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