Presidential Candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush Beef Over Twitter

Apparently Republican Presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump think Twitter is the place to handle conflict.

In a recent interview with Daily Mail, Donald made some side-eye worthy comments about 9/11 and pretty much blamed George Bush for letting the tragedy happen at all.  Here’s a snippet of his statement:

“When you talk about George Bush – I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.” He added, “He was president, okay?” “Blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

Jeb didn’t take too kindly to the comments made about his big brother.  He headed straight to twitter and called Trump “pathetic” and that was all she wrote.  Peep the pics below:

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Since when did it become okay for politicians to argue over twitter?? Sound off in the comments

Ian Jackson
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