Cake & Juice; New Bay Area Apparel Company

Andre Anderson, the creator of Cake & Juice Apparel, hosted a release party to celebrate the fourth coming of his new apparel company and it’s new availability online this past weekend. The party showcased his first line of Red/Blue Cup T’s, Joggers, and sweatshirts, which were presented to the guests in cake boxes camouflaged in the array of complimentary drinks, snacks, and family BBQ.  Andre told us that his brand is inspired by San Diego, where he grew up, and gatherings like this one.  He is motivated from the sense of community between artists, families, and visionaries alike.

The release party had live music from DJ goodjourney and up and coming artists; Swisha C, Dame KMZ, Mack Mitch, Davinos, and Tommy Goon, who all were talented artists and friends of Andre.  In the near future Andre wants to collab with different artists to inspire lines of clothing under Cake & Juice.

The Bay has an unique culture that promotes entrepreneurship through art and we can never get enough support from each other when it comes to promoting and inspiring everyone’s brands to reach higher success.  Networking is key in this business, so get involved with these brands and keep putting homies on.

Make sure to go check out the online store HERE. And follow Cake & Juice on Instagram: @cake_and_juice_co


– Plizzy

IG: @alexplizatt/Tweet: @PlizzyPlizatt

Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of

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