50 Cent claims that Diddy is gay

50 Cent rekindled the beef between him, Rick Ross, and Diddy on Sunday.  50 Cent posted an instragram collage of some pretty controversial pictures of Diddy and Steve Stoute (The CEO and founder of the brand development and marketing firm, Translation) as well as a picture of Diddy and Rick Ross.  The pictures and his comment on his post,  “I ain’t saying nothing, but something ain’t right. Lmao.”, insinuated that Diddy was gay and involved in relationships with Ross and Stoute.  50 Cent took down this post shortly after, maybe because one of his managers advised him to or maybe because he realized that he had something that could be exposed through them..  We will see if this beef escalates, however usually Rozay and Diddy usually ignore 50 Cent like when 50 Cent exposed Rick Ross for being a Correctional Officer at a prison.

Check out the pictures below and make a speculation on Diddy’s relationship with his business partners.


Ian Jackson
Founder/Owner of All Bay Music Magazine, Owner of TheRapManager.com

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